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Promotional Articles

"Do Wind Turbines Freeze?"

In early 2021, extremely cold weather devastated power grids across the U.S., but MidAmerican Energy's customers didn't experience any major power losses. To help our customers and the media understand how MidAmerican was well-prepared for extreme winter conditions, I wrote this web article.

"Toro Aeration"

This is an article about the benefits of aerating your lawn that I wrote on behalf of Performance Marketing's client, The Toro Company. Targeting everyday consumers, the article promotes renting Toro's aeration equipment in addition to providing information about the aeration process.

"10 Unique Couples in Anime"

This is a promotional article I wrote for part of Right Stuf's Valentine's 2015 Day Sale. The piece was great for promoting products on sale in a way that felt more like entertainment than marketing for our customers and audience. Right Stuf's 2015 Valentine's Day Sale saw double the revenue compared to the 2014 Valentine's Day promotion. 

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